One day after Proud Boys assaulted and pepper-sprayed students at Penn State, members of the fascist militia group attacked students and community members at UC Davis.
Wall Street analysts forecast that Assertio Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:ASRT – Get Rating) will announce sales of $31.62 million for the current quarter, according to Zacks. Three analysts have provided estimates for Assertio’s earnings, with estimates ranging from $30.57 million to $32.34 million. Assertio posted sales of $25.37 million in the same quarter last year, which […]
Assertio Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:ASRT – Get Rating) Director James L. Tyree sold 44,643 shares of Assertio stock in a transaction that occurred on Thursday, May 12th. The shares were sold at an average price of $2.36, for a total transaction of $105,357.48. Following the sale, the director now owns 210,451 shares in the company, valued […]