NEW SHARON - If you missed last Monday night, Friendship Squares Dancing Club has one more free workshop planned! This free Adult Ed Square Dancing class is perfect for new dancers. If the last time you tried square dancing was in gym class, it's time to try it again. You don't have to be a
Cupcakes WELD A Cupcake Decorating Class is also being taught by Julie Jervis and is scheduled for February 12 in the Multi-purpose room at the Weld Town Office from 6:30-8 pm, $5 is suggested donation for supplies. Come decorate a cupcake bouquet to take home. Watch a demonstration of making buttercream frosting and take […]
Game night FAYETTE Anyone up for a good game of Spades with some friends? How about a family game of Sorry or Monopoly? Friends of Starling Hall will be hosting its first Game Night on Friday Jan. 19, 6 to 9 p.m., at the Hall. Bring your family, and friends too, your favorite game […]
Game night FAYETTE Anyone up for a good game of Spades with some friends? How about a family game of Sorry or Monopoly? Friends of Starling Hall will be hosting its first Game Night on Friday Jan. 19, 6 to 9 p.m., at the Hall. Bring your family, and friends too, your favorite game […]
NEW SHARON - The Friendship Squares Dancing Club is hosting a free square dancing class on Monday, Jan. 22 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Cape Cod Hill School, located at 516 Cape Cod Hill Rd. in New Sharon. The New Dancers Adult Ed Square Dancing Class will feature Mike Dusoe calling. Light refreshments will be