life. mess with one of us, you mess with all of us. i really get to a [ bleep ] point where i just want to burn bodies. those are tamer posts we can show on television. remember, these are all from 13-year-olds. how can they talk to each other like that you might ask? the answer is complicated. because the communication is done digitally, teens are able to remove themselves emotionally from what they say, in fact, most told us that they say things on social media they would never say face-to-face. i don t like dealing with things face-to-face because it s really easy to hide behind your phone and in face on face-to-face, like you have to deal with the other person and i don t like dealing with people that cry or get really mad and they say something mean back to me and i ll lose and i don t like losing. some even had horror stories of friends cyber bullied through fake social media accounts.