‘Age-Friendly Community – that’s just for old people, right? No! Our mission statement says that we “explore ways to make the community more supportive of healthy aging, enabling residents to stay in their own homes and communities as they age.’ That means that we want to help those who are facing challenges because of age […]
Have a safe and happy holiday season – warmest greetings from the Bethel Region Age-Friendly Community Initiative! Home safety is always an important consideration for anyone, but particularly for older adults whose needs are changing. Think about: What will my future look like? Do I want to move to be closer to family and friends? […]
Some media reports say the government is banning baby bottles. Not true. A new law clamps down on advertising for bottles and infant formula. But bottle users are still concerned.
Some media reports say the government is banning baby bottles. Not true. A new law clamps down on advertising for bottles and infant formula. But bottle users are still concerned.