insult everybody s intelligence by reading a limerick that she got by text message t from bono, her friend bono. most of us always whether we re in ireland or here, whatever there s a bono has been a very irish partt of oure lives. oh , st. patrick. o he droveut out the snake with hs prayers. but that s not it. that s not all it takes. they struggle for us to be freee from the siko in this human family, ireland. so pain is now the ukrainene patrick s name is now solinsky. well,[ she s lost touch a little bit. i don tin think that sk overstatement. but you have to wonder when shew describes bono as irishhe irish. is that the first word that comes to mind when you think bono you really think t likehi the in-house entertainmet of davos, not your average irishman bono in the case
0 by istanbouli ticket to seattle . netwenty seven presenting partnr usa. good evening and welcome to tucker carlson tonight areld a lot of things going on around the world at the moment but we thought we would begin tonight with a report from oour own country just to give you something a little differentnt fromat what you ve been watching every moment of every day for the past three weeksksas on your screen are pictures fromyn brooklyn, new york . these are people waitingth in line at a food bank. the queue stretches for blocks. it s what we used to call a bread line. otst of these people are not homeless or not addicted tohe drugs. some of them have jobs they just can t afford enough food. very few living americans have ever seen anything like this . it s been nearly 100 yearses since the united states experienced widespread food shortages. that s long enough that most of us have forgotten what it means . and here s what it means. if you want to make a society volatile, not just an
bill gates was kind enough to leave the white house to join us now. i really appreciate it. we have better hors d oeuvres anyway. thank you for being here. great to be here. i want to start with your friend bono who has worked with you on the aids issue. he had some comments which raised some eyebrows over the weekend. this is what he said about the fight against aids. let s listen. there s a chance of having the first aids-free generation by 2015-2016. we can see it. we could lose that if we lose the political will. an aids-free generation in just a few years. do you think that s realistic? we re making great progress on aids, but we have over 30 million people who are living with the disease. we don t have a cure and so we have to keep them on drugs to keep them alive and that requires not only generosity about h we reach that kind of