choose to acknowledge the reality of the stress and the suffering, and to harness our natural capacity to become a catalyst for social connection, to strengthen communities. okay, so eventually ties go back to. word of this table spread through friends and friends of frien friends. the group focuses on young a doults, 20s and 30s, when the topic of death comes in conversation. the reaction that i ve always found was the kind of in headlights. first dinner party since my mom died, i mean, all of that time, i had become really good at avoiding that topic, because i wanted to avoid making somebody else uncome for bait with my story. so there a menu, in case you didn t see it. they ve been meeting for a year and a half the connections here are obvious. cheers.
delegates paused for a minute of silence. and that was followed by a number of emotional speeches. dear delegates, colleagues, frien friends, it s great and inspiring to see so many of you here. the room is almost full. i do see a few empty chairs. one over there and there. over there. a few empty chairs. which were supposed to be occupied by six of our friends who lost their lives last thursday. and the dutch ambassador did note that five of those six were actually from the netherlands. the flight malaysia 17 took off on thursday. so obviously very sad for everybody there in melbourne as well. we lost some renowned experts
privatizing veteran s hospitals. now the people who put their uniform on and protect this country, do they not deserve a guarantee, a guarantee, not free market stuff, deserve our utmost loyalty and respect when they come home? do we want to turn it over to a corporation or a corporation in charge of their care would be loyal to only one thing, my frien friends, and that is the god almighty dollar in the insurance industry. joining me now is paul rykoff the founder and executive director of iraq and afghanistan veterans of america. if this one doesn t boil veterans, paul, i don t know what will. to even think about this. what if we were to privatize veteran s health care, what could happen? she well, it s not going to happen so i think that it should stop right there. there s not a single veterans group from america from either sisted political spectrum that would support the privatization of va health care, it s just not going to happen. a real really fringe idea that s dead on arriva