BATH Maine’s First Ship will hold its second 17th Century Foodways event and Luncheon on Saturday, April 20, at the Bath Freight Shed. MFS is the Bath nonprofit whose volunteer force has reconstructed the sailing vessel Virginia ,.
Maine’s First Ship will hold its second 17th Century Foodways event and Luncheon on Saturday, April 20 at the Bath Freight Shed. MFS, the Bath non-profit whose volunteer force has reconstructed the sailing vessel Virginia originally built by.
The Boothbay Farmer’s Market has moved around over the past two decades from the Boothbay Region schools parking lot to the Meadow Mall parking lot to the Boothbay Common, and man has it grown. This year there are 21 vendors and I dare you to go to.
Ah, spring is here … trees are budding, daffodils, tulips, crocus and hyacinth, Mother Nature’s spirit-lifting spot color on her canvas of greening earth. This weekend, April 30-May 1, is a time known to many all over the world as Beltane. Even if.