arexexvy is useded to prevent lower rerespiratory y dise frfrom rsv inin people 6060 years and ololder. rsrsv can seveverely affecet the lungs s and lower r air. arexexvy is provoven to b be over 82%2% effective in preveventing lowewer respiratorory disease e frov anand over 94%4% effectivee in thohose with ththese health c conditions.s. ( ) arexvy doeoes not protect eveveryone and isis not for t those with s severe allelergic reactionons to its i ingredie. those e with weakekened immune s systems may hahave a lowerer response to thehe vaccine.. the e most commomon side efffs arare injectioion site paia, fatigugue, muscle e pain, headacache, and jojoint pain. rsrsv can be s serious. talk to o your doctotor or pharmacicist about a arexvy t. rsv?v? make it a arexvy.