Happy St. Patrick s Day! Green, Green Green! Isn t that what you think of on this day? I mean, Green Beer and wear green, right?
I literally own 2 green shirts and had to find one for today.bruno Anyways, I thought it wold be fun to make a list of some of my favorite GREEN things.
So..in no particluar order..Baby Yoda...Kermit the Frog.The HULK.Kiwi s..Green Grapes..Green Chicken Enchiladas.Gucamole / Avacados.Asparagus..Brocolli..The Green Latern.The Statue of Liberty..Pistachios.Salsa Verde..MONEY!..Fresh Cut Green LAWN!..Green Jolly Ranchers.Green Apples!..Lettuce..Green Day The Band.Zuchinni.Green Sherbert.Christmas Trees.The GRINCH!.Pears!.Jalepenos.