Amongst the works emerging from this nascent period of Vietnamese anthropology, Henri Oger s Technique du peuple Annamite, or Mechanics and Crafts of the People of Annam, stands out for its unique insights into the lives of residents in northern Vietnam in the early 20th century. Unlike many of his contemporaries who focused solely on high-culture elements such as art and architecture, Oger ventured into civil engineering practices and traditional customs. His study covered a wide range of topics, including handicraft professions, daily routines, and commonplace objects, demonstrating a comprehensive exploration that extended beyond the realms of the elites.
Towards Freedom in Pondicherry: Society, Economy and Politics under French Rule (1816–1862) by J B P More, New Delhi: Manohar, 2022; pp 456, `2,300 (hardcover).
Anyone who went to the cinema to watch Napoleon towards the latter end of 2023 will have been reminded of the emperor’s plans to invade Britain. These didn’t come to much – plans to invade Britain rarely do – but they did exist. They exemplified a long-standing Gallic conviction that Britain would benefit from being run by the French.
Many of the images conjured by the word leprosy (bệnh phong) can be unsettling to some. Yet, the misunderstood disease exposes the capacity for human care and empathy. Quy Nhơn’s Quy Hoà leprosy village exhibits how communities can come together to lovingly help the less fortunate.