Ambassador of France to India Emmanuel Lenain will travel to Tamil Nadu and Puducherry on a three-day visit focused on deepening Indo-French business, cultural and people-to-people ties.
Paul Evans
Somebody’s has to speak up for the forgotten victims, like 2016. The year that gave us Brexit, Trump and killed everyone who’d ever thought about making a decent song or film, had enjoyed a level of infamy as the gruesome year everyone wanted to turn off and on again, until 2020 came along and put 2016 back in its bland to middling irrelevant little vanilla box.
If 2016 was kicking life while it was down, 2020 was Tyson uppercuts to the face whilst underwater in a crashed plane going over the falls in a tsunami.
And yet for all the misery, as seen from the narrow prism of surfers, we were more concerned for our wave counts than R-numbers.