Railgun technology, first conceptualized during World War I by French designer Andre Louis Octave Fauchon-Villeplee, has seen over a century of limited success.
Early 20th century industrialist credited with changing the face of automobile manufacturing in France, André Citroën is routinely referred to as the Henry Ford of his country. Written by Nick Smith
Railguns: The Super Weapon Everyone Wants Comes With a Big Catch
Given the fact that the weapons are so accurate and deadly but not widely adopted must mean there are issues and there are actually plenty.
Here s What You Need to Remember: The problems aren’t so great that railgun research has been abandoned. Far from it in fact, and the Chinese are getting closer to fielding a true railgun, while the United States Navy has continued to see the potential for such a weapon on its stealth warships even if the expected rate of fire would be just ten rounds per minute.