Audit uncovers no issues with Freehold Borough school financial records
Audit uncovers no issues with Freehold Borough school financial records
FREEHOLD – No recommendations for corrective action were made following the most recent audit of the Freehold Borough K-8 School District’s finances and financial record keeping.
The Board of Education accepted a comprehensive annual financial report (audit) for the 2019-20 school year during a meeting on Feb. 16. The fiscal year covered by the audit ended on June 30, 2020.
In accordance with state law, the governing body of every municipality and school district must conduct an annual audit of its books, accounts and financial transactions. The school district’s audit was conducted by Samuel Klein and Company.
FREEHOLD – As administrators in the Freehold Borough K-8 School District prepare to welcome students back for in-person instruction in March, the Board of Education has taken action to assist in the reopening of the district’s buildings.
Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the district’s students have been receiving instruction remotely during the 2020-21 school year. Freehold Borough’s students last received in-person instruction in March 2020. The schools were closed in early March 2020 when the pandemic struck New Jersey.
Earlier this month, board members approved an updated restart and re-entry plan that set March 1 as the return date for students at the Park Avenue Elementary School, the Freehold Learning Center elementary school and the Freehold Intermediate School.