The order poses a ban on all refugees entering the country many of whom are fleeing the war or risked persecution for their religious or political beliefs. , the order affects many thousands of children, women and men for the government that had forn years. The action taken in the first days of his administration for political reason without regard to the real world consequences and without the expertise of the National Security professionalse were even some of those appointed by the president himself represents a shared departure of the heritage that has made america strong and a beacon throughout the world. Throughout the years theyve come to our country to flee religious persecution and to see a better life. These are the people that founded our original colonies. Although now we have occasionally failed to live up to the ideas. Over generations in the United States accepted millions of refugees from around the world. My own family is part of this story has so many are. D at. Holoca
I wrote about facts, not what i believe. Of course in the First Administration he gained after he went into training after the assassination recovery inch your 70s, thats no small accomplishment. We do thank you, tom, for this special look, and as he does say, its a very factbased, very interesting focus on a period of the president s life that we dont often see as clearly. We do thank you again for coming to join us, and thank tom. Thank you for having me. [applause] up next, author and think tank president , Arthur Brooks. The former french hornist, tunnel social scientist, talks about his research on charity, happiness, and Free Enterprise. The head of the American Enterprise institute is the author of four nonfiction books, including New York Times bess sellers by Gross National happiness and the road to freedom. Arthur brooks, where did the phrase, Gross National happiness, come from . Guest the phrase comes from the government of beaut buttan, who 30 years ago read the process of
And what were doing when we burn fossil fuels, is that we are taking carbon that was buried under the earth over the course of hundreds of millions of years, and we are transferring it back up into the atmosphere. So were basically running geological history backwards and at a very high speed. Were taking a process that took hundreds of millions of years to run in one direction, and were running it in the other direction in a matter of centuries. And if you were an alien and you came to visit the earth, you could easily conclude that what were doing, that the fundamental purpose of modern industrialized society, is to affect this transfer as quickly as possible. To see how much carbon we can get out of the ground and put up into the air and how fast we can do it. And thats a look at some of the chicago tribunes top books for 2014. To link to the full list and to see other publications selections, visit booktv. Org. Okay, now its time for hillary. You wrote that she captured your attent
The government of bhutan, i should say the king of bhutan about 30 years ago realized that a process of development, of economic development, was great. It would pull millions of people out of poverty. People wouldnt starve to death, but it wasnt enough for human flourishing. So instead of counting narrowly the amount of money people had per capita, he had the idea of trying to measure the amount of happiness. He started an index called Gross National happiness. Thats wher he started an index called Gross National happiness. That is where the expression comes from. Host what did he find . Guest a lot of measures of Economic Growth are great and the determinate for living the good life but not sufficient so cultural integrity, family values, being able to maintain ones faith in god, these other things people need for flourishing lives and in so doing, developing country has a lot of lessons. Host can you measure happiness the economic success . Guest no. We can find predetermined for a
Less likely to be happy. And some of the most miserable places in the world are places where people die of starvation and preventable diseases. Once you get beyond basic subsistence, the four things that bring happiness are faith, family, friends and work. Those are the things we have to keep in mind those are part of human flourishing. Host from your book Gross National happiness, this is a book about americas happiness. Doing sums across our population, can we say that the United States is a happy country . Whats your answer to that question . Guest the answer is generally, yes. Now theres so many indices of which country is happier than another and theyre generally not reliable. And part of the reason is because different cultures answer the question differently. So just getting a survey how happy are you, youre going to find that countries that have germanic languages answer the question different than those with romance languages, for example. Its that, its really that ridiculous.