Published: 01 April 2021 01 April 2021
Yuma, Arizona - Postponed from its usual November date in 2020, the safely redesigned Children’s Festival of the Arts takes place three ways beginning Saturday, April 10.
This year’s event consists of three components: a drive-through event distributing 500 art supply kits 10 a.m. to noon April 10 at Gateway Park; a virtual celebration at 2 p.m. April 10 on the Yuma Art Center’s Facebook page; and a youth and teacher art exhibit on display in the Art Center galleries April 13 through May 28.
“We are honored to keep this longstanding community event thriving through times of uncertainty,” said Arts and Culture Program Manager Lindsay Benacka. “This school year has undoubtedly been challenging for area art teachers and students alike, but artists of all ages have been busy thinking outside the box and processing the past year’s events through creative outlets.”