and he did say in the state of the union address that 2014 was going to be a year of action. this is action, no doubt about it. this duck isn t lame. no, no, that s exactly right. ej, what does raul castro do from here? what are expectations? well, see, i think that s the hope here, and why i hope after this initial response against it from some of the more conservative parts of the cuban community, they will see the communities that henry describes. we tried the other thing for over 50 years and this regime hasn t changed. you saw little cracks today. there is no reason to believe that having diplomatic relations means that all pressure on them goes away. they want congress to get rid of the sanctions in any even. and i think this increases pressure on the cuban government to move in the direction of freedom. the increase of exchanges with
president broke off diplomatic relations with a message. there is a limit to what the self respect can endure. the bay of pigs worsened relations. the assault has begun on the dictatorship of fidel castro. this is a struggle against a cuban dictator. we made it repeatedly clear that the armed forces of this country would not intervene in anyway. foreign minister accused the united states of unleashing an invasion. says the invading soldiers train in florida. on that unhappy island as in so many other arenas in the contest for freedom the news as grown worse. cold war fears led to intense stand off after america planes
americans both mcommercial puts pressure on the regime to let up. i like that you used the word freedom because i do think after a policy that didn t work we might actually have one that has a chance. i think this is freedom on the march. and i think in the back rooms the republicans are a little bit disappointed that this didn t happen on their watch. that they are not the party that moved forward with this. president obama, i think history will judge him very well on this. this is the correct move. you can t have a failed policy go on and on year after year. and into americans will be hurt by this. no americans will be hurt by this. a lot will be helped. that s right. thank you gentleman for being with us. coming up, the era of the do-nothing congress ends. find out what s in store for
scott gilbert. and their efforts to restore my freedom. those who don t think this is a good deal, can you at least feel good for that family. ask yourself the question, would you like to come home? cuba has also released a u.s. spy who was in jail for 20 years. united states released three prisoners convicted 15 years ago. it has brought historic change with cuba. a new day dawning. on tuesday president obama spent45 minutes with raul castro and earlier he delivered the news. today the united states is changing its relationship with the people of cuba. and it s the most significant change in more than 50 years. we will end an outdated approach that for decades has failed our
involved. shouldn t get mired in another mess. shouldn t nation build. let me lead with my mistakes. liberals, you re right. we shouldn t have. wait a minute, glenn. it s all about principles. freedom on the march. freedom from the dictator. free markmarket. we were going to change the middle east. glenn beck would love a pardon for his mistakes but he he won t come clean on all of them. beck supported the war in iraq and slammed one woman who disagreed. cindy sheehan. protested the war after her son died in active duty. glenn beck called the mother after dead soldier a tragedy. pimp. cindy sheehan, that s a pretty big prostitute there. you know what i mean? i mean, more of a, what did we call her when she was in the news? an prostitute.