comment on this scandal. now, the first tactic, it s no big deal. this whistleblower s saying that the irs wanted actually tougher charges for hunter biden. it s not unusual for investigators and prosecutors to have disagreements before they, you know, as you go through these cases. how many times do they have disagreements along the way? all the time. all the time. yeah. all the time. this is part of the process. this is the way that it works. and it s what we want. laura: this is what we want. well, that s the only honest thing said in that exchange. that of course refuses to acknowledge the most incredible claim of all that joe was in the room where it happened when hunter was demanding money for his family from a chinese businessman, all ccp a provshgsd of course. here s how they covered that. the we have not verified it. it s based on a what s app, we don t know the verification on that, we don t know if huntr was exaggerating talking to someone if it
exaggerating talking to someone if it was he if it was authentic when help said my father s here with me. abc has not authenticated the message and the white house says there s no here. laura: why not reach out to the because and ask hunter biden directly was this your what s app message or was it not? there is a freedom of information act a possibility here, certainly for journalists. i ll tell you why they don t. because they don t want to admit that this issue is about the big guy. ditto for the washington post, the new york times. absent from their little write-ups was a line saying, we reached out to the white house for comment. that wasn t in there. but joe s puppeteers extend well beyond the media and all their enablers to more powerful organs like the doj. now, among the more lunatic