Freedom Kerl wants to house concert rock you ASAP It will be great to sit around, play guitar, drink some beers and just be uber-social again.”
Springfield’s Freedom Kerl will drop his self-titled EP next month.
“For the first time ever, I’m collaborating with another person on mixing a couple songs,” Kerl said.
“I found a website called and hired Grammy winner Jack Bartlett to twist the knobs on two tracks: ‘No Ones Perfect (especially you)’ and ‘Fuck You Cancer!’
“I’m very proud of this record. There’s a ‘banger’ (is that what the kids call it?) called ‘I Feel Alive’ that is about partying on the weekend post-COVID. There’s a rock song called ‘Stop Watching the News’ that is pretty self explanatory. There’s a darker tune called ‘I Wanna Be Like God’ that expresses the confusion and depression that I was feeling watching the protest/ riots last spring.