people. andrew found an obscure one-half a world away. he became obsessed with a para military group in ukraine and watched videos of their exploits online. he saw them as freedom fighters battling pro-russian separatists. in reality, it is also an infamous neo-nazi batalion. the group has learned to exploit the internet as an international recruitment tool. good evening and good morning to our listeners in the u.s. you are listening to when he was just 16, ukrainian supporters found andrew online and invited him to speak as an expert on their podcast. after andrew died, a journalist gave this recording to the family. today we have a life discussion with andrew who will discuss with me the situation
he went online in search of a brotherhood he could call his own. they unequivocally accept you for who you are and tell you, you are the master race. you are the top dog. and you fall for it. you really do. i know exactly how that feels. because it happened to me 30 years ago. it was easy for them to put their hooks into me because i was looking for acceptance. and i was willing to do really awful things to just maintain that level of acceptance. dat sire to fight for a cause and community is a powerful intox can t for vulnerable people. as a teenager andrew oneschuk found an obscure one half a world away. he became obsessed with a paramilitary group in ukraine called the azof battalion and watched videos of their exploits online. he saw them as freedom fighters
he s never had many friends. he went online in search of a brotherhood he could call his own. they automatically accept you for who you are and tell you you are the top dog and you fall for it. you really do. i know exactly how that feels because it happened to me 30 years ago. it was easy for them to put their hooks into me because i was looking for acceptance, and i was willing to do awful things to maintain that level of acceptance. the desire to fight for a cause and community is a power intoxicant for vulnerable people. andrew found an obscure one-half a world away. he became obsessed with a para military group in ukraine and watched videos of their exploits online. he saw them as freedom fighters battling pro-russian