The Judicial Service Commission will interview candidates for the two vacant positions at the Constitutional Court on Tuesday. The appointments will bring the apex court closer to having its full set of 11 permanent judges.
Click here to read the full judgment on Saflii [1] Eskom Holdings SOC Limited (Eskom), the appellant, and Letsemeng Local Municipality (Letsemeng), the respondent, are locked in a dispute over the non-payment by Letsemeng of its electricity supply account. As at 31 January 2020, Letsemeng’s debt had accumulated to an astronomical figure of R41 094 530.19. Based on Letsemeng’s recurrent failure to comply with its obligations, Eskom issued a final notice to interrupt electricity supply with effect from 18 February 2020. This precipitated the launching of an urgent application in the Free State Division of the High Court, Bloemfontein (the high court) by Letsemeng to interdict Eskom from implementing the interruption pending the review of that decision and the determination of a dispute between the parties to be referred to the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa), the second respondent, in accordance with the provisions of the Electricity Regulation Act 4 of 200
(Bloomberg) South Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa named Andrea Johnson as the new head of the National Prosecuting Authority’s Investigating Directorate.