Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) community members have formed the MIT Free Speech Alliance and are advocating for the adoption of stronger academic freedom protections after a secret ballot among the school's faculty members revealed that more than half of them feel their voices are constrained by the university on an "everyday basis."
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) community members have formed the MIT Free Speech Alliance and are advocating for the adoption of stronger academic freedom protections after a secret ballot among the school's faculty members revealed that more than half of them feel their voices are constrained by the university on an "everyday basis."
Alumni around the country are demanding that universities respect free speech on their campuses, and are withholding donations to pressure schools to take them seriously.
Washington & Lee University (W&L) in Lexington, Virginia, told student members of the school's College Republicans group to stop passing out flyers in favor of the state's Republican gubernatorial candidate, Glenn Youngkin, according to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE).