Taha Shah Badussha has finally broken his silence on his love life, as he was recently spotted with Laapataa Ladies actor Pratibha Ranta. Read on to know the full story here!
Several movie theatres in Mumbai and other parts of Maharashtra will screen the results of Lok Sabha election LIVE on June 4, giving people a chance to witness the political drama unfold in the country on the big screens. The screening will take place from 9 am to 3 pm and the price of ticket will be Rs 99.
India the world's largest democracy is entering it's final leg of Lok Sabha Election 2024 on June 1st. The election outcomes are going to significantly impact the market and it's dynamics. The results on June 4th will determine the economics and policies of the nation for the next five years, keeping millions of Indian investors on high alert.
May 31 is designated as Cinema Lovers Day. On this day, theatres offer significant discounts on movie tickets in an attempt to revive their dwindling sales and boost their occupancy rates