Josy Peukert went viral for sharing a video of herself as she gives birth to her fourth baby, a healthy boy weighing 7lb 6oz. She just trusted her body when she started to have contractions.
A growing number of women, many members of the Free Birth Society run by Emilee Saldaya, are making the controversial choice to give birth without any medical assistance whatsoever.
Rolling Stone ‘Pastel QAnon’ Is Infiltrating the Natural Parenting Community
There’s long been a link between those who distrust hospital births and those who distrust vaccines but Covid-19 and QAnon are making it worse
By LoloStock/Adobe Stock
Yolande Norris-Clark gazes placidly into the camera, speaking in her best ASMR voice, honey-colored bangs lying flat against her forehead as if stuck there by glue. She is, she says, with her five youngest children (she has eight) in the jungles of Costa Rica, where she’s recently relocated from her home in Canada. “This global reconstruction/ reconfiguration has nothing whatsoever to do with a flu-like illness and it just seems heavier and darker and more constrictive than I could’ve imagined. It’s not about a flu-like illness. It’s never been about a flu-like illness, and I really think the ‘Rona is irrelevant to all of this,” she says.