Hugo Chávez is no more. Always a fighter, Chávez spent his last months in a life and death struggle against a cruel and implacable enemy – cancer. He fought bravely to the very end, but finally his strength gave out. On Tuesday, March 5, at 4.25 pm the cause of freedom, socialism and humanity lost a great man and the author of these lines lost a great friend.
The establishment gets away with negative changes to our standard of living because these changes usually happen over the course of decades and almost no one notices.
Africa ought to be the richest continent on Earth. Its natural resources alone make this a fact and yet it remains oppressed and prey to exploitation. William Briggs explains why.
It is clear that Tony Greenstein has abandoned any pretence of adhering to class politics: that is, the class politics of the working class. Jack Conrad defends the Marxist programme against those who advocate yet another broad-front halfway house