NEGLEY The Columbiana County Engineer’s Office will be chip-and-sealing the following roads in Middletown Township starting Tuesday and lasting for three or four days: All of Fredericktown-Clarkson Road; Dyke Road from Sprucevale Road to Tomahawk Drive; and Pancake-Clarkson Road from Sprucevale Road to one-lane bridge east of SR. 170. Motorists should expect short delays.
NEGLEY The Columbiana County Engineer’s Office will be chip-and-sealing the following roads in Middletown Township starting Tuesday and lasting for three o
County Sheriff A deputy was dispatched at 5:43 p.m. Thursday to Canal Street, East Rochester, for a person having mental issues. EMT transported the perso
Common Pleas New Cases County Treasurer, Lisbon, vs. Edward W. Wilson, Wellsville, et al.; delinquent property tax foreclosure sought for state Route 39, S