First World War veteran Fred Rayner was lovingly toasted by his great grandchildren last week on the 100th anniversary of the company the late soldier had…
Each year, VETS hosts the VETS Industry Invitational at the Edmonton Garrison Golf and Curling Club. Through this tournament, in the past four years, VETS has raised over $100,000 for Valour Palace, Little Warriors and Habitat for Humanity, while also supporting a recreation facility on the military base north of Edmonton. The tank pictured is along the golf course. Perched on the tank (from left to right) are Sean Rayner, David Rayner and Erin Rayner. Photo courtesy VETS Group.
There are few companies in the world who can say they’ve been around for 100 years. But, VETS Group, which manufactures and installs HVAC systems and their components, including dust collection systems for the wood products industry, can now add their names to the list. To mark their 100-year anniversary, Canadian Biomass