Destiny Betrayed, and wrote the following: (page 241)
The source for footnotes 92,93 and 94 is the July-August 1977 issue of
Probe Magazine, and specifically page 18. Since not all the issues of
Probe are online, and few libraries have them, it makes it hard to check DiEugenio s sources. Fortunately, I was able to find page 18 in the
DiEugenio s logic goes like this: Fred Leemans was interviewed on Walter Sheridan s special on NBC which attacked Garrison. Sheridan s lawyer was Edward Baldwin. And, Edward Baldwin s law partner wrote a letter to the CIA requesting that they place my name on their referral list of qualified attorneys in this area. Therefore, the CIA is there to assist any witness they could pry loose from Garrison.
Fred Leemans came forward during the Garrison investigation with an incredible story. Here is his statement from May 5, 1967.So, Fred Leemans operated a Turkish bath and Clay Shaw used to visit using the name Clay Bertrand. Occasionally he would be in the company of man called "Lee" who was