The Peaked Hill Pastures affordable housing project is finally going out to bid. A request for proposal (RFP), presented by the Peaked Hill Pastures RFP committee, was unanimously approved by the Chilmark Select Board during a Tuesday evening meeting. It’s taken almost two years for the bidding process to start. The project itself was approved […]
The Peaked Hill Pastures RFP Committee is attempting to get back on track after some delays. The committee received approval from the Chilmark Select Board to hire individuals for the project and have worked to address conflict of interest allegations. On Thursday, May 11, the committee jointly met with the select board to determine a […]
Questions have been raised over a committee member overseeing the Chilmark’s Peaked Hill Pastures affordable housing project, who also lives nearby the project. Fred Khedouri, a member of the Peaked Hill Pastures RFP (request for proposal) committee, notified the Chilmark Select Board about a potential conflict of interest with his membership. “We have a letter […]
The Chilmark select board unanimously approved an amended plan for Peaked Hill Pastures during a special select board meeting Tuesday. The board will send its suggestions to the planning board. Instead of making plans to develop on just six acres of land, as mentioned in a previous meeting, the select board’s approved motion suggests the […]