There is a transcript of the trial. It is the only transcript that exists of a case lincoln argued. He said do you want to join me in writing a book about this case . I did not believe there was this Great Lincoln case with a transcript out there no one knew about. He was right. The transcript had only been found in the 1980s. There had been no serious book written about it. We joined together in this effort. It led us on this journey where we would look for great cases with transcripts of the actual trial involving wellknown people. President s of the u. S. Or former president s, cases that had largely been forgotten to u. S. History. That is how it all started. We continued to mine for those great cases with a transcript that had been lost to history. It was in 2018 that lincolns last trial came out. Why was it not until the 1980s the actual transcript of the trial was found . It was found in the garage of the greatgrandson of the defendant in the case. It had a yellow boat around it
It started when my coauthor david fisher approached me. I did not know him well. He said to me there is this amazing story out there of Abraham Lincoln in the final case he ever argued. There is a transcript of the trial. It is the only transcript that exists of a case lincoln argued. He said do you want to join me in writing a book about this case . I did not believe there was this Great Lincoln case with a transcript out there no one knew about. He was right. The transcript had only been found in the 1980s. There had been no serious book written about it. We joined together in this effort. It led us on this journey where we would look for great cases with transcripts of the actual trial involving wellknown people. President s of the u. S. Or former president s, cases that had largely been forgotten to u. S. History. That is how it all started. We continued to mine for those great cases with a transcript that had been lost to history. It was in 2018 that lincolns last trial came out.
Next it is in depth with dan abrams his books include lincolns last trial, contends avenger and alabama versus king. Martin luther king jr. And the criminal trial that launched the civil rights movement. It started when my coauthor david fisher approached me. I did not know him well. He said to me there is this amazing story out there of Abraham Lincoln in the final case he ever argued. There is a transcript of the trial. It is the only transcript that exists of a case lincoln argued. He said do you want to join me in writing a book about this case . I did not believe there was this Great Lincoln case with a transcript out there no one knew about. He was right. The transcript had only been found in the 1980s. There had been no serious book written about it. We joined together in this effort. It led us on this journey where we would look for great cases with transcripts of the actual trial involving wellknown people. President s of the u. S. Or former president s, cases that had largely
Reaffirmed in the fall of 19 44 tat ambition of the western allies to go to berlin. Then he changed his mind in march in part march of 1945 in part because the russians were virtually on the doorstep of berlin. The russians beginning in january of 1945 amassed several million troopses that were going fall on berlin. The british were still 200 miles from berlin. And a decisions that already been made about how germany in general and berlin specifically would be divided up after the war. They would be partitioned with zones for the russian, the british, the americans, and the french and the same would happen with berlin. And eisenhower came to believe, he was encouraged by roosevelt to avoid conflict with the russians. He dime believe that it was pointless to tens of thousand of casualties racing to berlin when the russians were already virtually inside the city limits of berlin. And so he changed his mind. He directed his armies toward dress din toward the southeast. I think it was the
How are we culture he . On rosa parks 101st day, her birthday, the author explores the question of rosa parks. What was behind that . Those that know her. What is the price paid for having done something . Dr. Jeanne theoharis answers some of those questions and she writes it in her new book the rebellious life of mrs. Rosa parks. Jeanne theoharis was born in Staten Island six weeks ago and her family moved to milwaukee, wisconsin, where she was raised. She held the first chair in womans studies and as professor of science at boca raton college, she is also cofounder of educators for civil liberty. She is the author of numerous books on the Civilrights Movement and the politics of race in the United States including as coauthor of schools suck students talk back to the segregated nation and its failures of segregated schools. Jeanne theoharis received her ab in afroamerican studies from Harvard College and ph. D. In American Culture from the university of michigan. She is author or coa