Millions of lifelong Democrats are now having second thoughts about having voted for the sociopathic ingrates who’ve been running that party into the ground and turning our country into a
Here’s a question for likely Democrat voters: Can you name three major Trump administration policies that were harmful to everyday Americans and weren’t in our country’s best interests? I mean
In his recent letter, a “gentleman” from Salem personifies the beliefs and tactics of many of today’s Democrats. He avoids debating issues. Instead, he professes personal offense that I “label
Viktor Frankl, Holocaust survivor, and late author of one of the most profoundly moving books (“Man’s Search for Meaning”) I’ve ever read, wisely stated that there are only two distinct
“What is is what should be; what should be is a dirty lie.” I used that quote – by the late Leonard Schneider (aka Lenny Bruce), the 50s-60s stand-up, in-your-face