fre french fried potato hungry for hamburgers, you re going to have to dig deeper into your pocket for the price has soared to an all-time high, and there just isn t as much of it as there used to be. abc s clayton sandell went down on the farm to answer the age-old question, where s the beef? reporter: that juicy steak or burger going to take a bigger bite out of your wallet. in five years ground beef prices have shot up 24%, from $2.87 a pound to $3.55. steak is up 14% to more than $6 a pound. why? not enough cows. more and more of our producers are not retaining and keeping many of their cattle to, you know, continue to reproduce and keep going. they re having to sell them to pay down debt. reporter: another reason, severe drought hitting the southern plains. they ve really kind of affected the supply in the