point, a very passionate point. brandishing the murder weapon as a prop did not sit well with the judge, who told the prosecutor to calm down. frankly, we knew that at that point, we had done exactly what we wanted to do. we had totally taken him by surprise. after a week of testimony, the case went to the jury. out in the hallway, tv cameras dogged charlie s every move. he had been out on bond the entire time, but his fre.com could be coming to an end. he knows his life is hanging in the balance. that s a tough thing for anybody to go through. but he had the unwavering support of team charlie. they all waited with charlie as the deliberations began and spilled over into a second day and then another. every day we d show up to court being, like, oh, is it going to happen today. everybody was super nervous. and charlie was, i was. because if it goes in an adverse way for you and charlie, he s going to be led off and you wouldn t see him for a long long time. yeah, it was
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