The company received nine bids mostly ranging between ₹500 crore and ₹700 crore to settle the total debt of the company which amounts to ₹14,000 crore, these people said. Jain s bid includes some conditional payments linked to insurance claims filed by Rolta and also recoveries from certain fraudulent transactions by the erstwhile promoters, these people said.
(KRON) — A man who authorities said is a suspect in over a dozen cases of fraudulent transactions across California was arrested Friday in Rohnert Park after a traffic stop, the Rohnert Park Department of Public Safety (RPDPS) said. Rohnert Park officers responded to a bank on the 200 block of Rohnert Park Expressway at […]
(KRON) — A 56-year-old Fair Oaks man was arrested this week after a Pinole woman reported that someone had opened three credit lines on her business account in October, the Pinole Police Department announced Thursday. Christopher Briscoe, 56, of Fair Oaks, was arrested in connection to the fraudulent credit cards that were used at two […]
The Delhi High Court has directed the concerned Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Home Affairs ("MHA") to call a meeting of Cyber Crime Cells in various states to ensure coordination while dealing.