After Maj. Gen. Frederick Steele and his troops captured Little Rock in September 1863, DeValls Bluff served as a vital link in supplying the capital city with troops and materiel.
Keo, 1909: When it was settled in the 1880s a local judge, P.C. Dooley, named the town after his daughter, Keo Dooley. Born in 1875, she married to become Keo England. Her father died in 1910; she died in 1951, and both are buried in Little Rock s Oakland & Fraternal Historic Cemetery Park.
With a sweet face and arms full of ribbons and flowers, she smiles across a century from the pages of the Arkansas Gazette. She isn't looking at us. She was the first woman married in (now historic) First Presbyterian Church at Eighth and Scott streets in downtown Little Rock, and the first to march the sanctuary aisle accompanied by the city's oldest congregation's then-new organ.