reporter: but here is the irony. if either incognito or martin ever play again, crowder believes it s martin who will be shunned by teammates. he goes to nfl team the word snitch will be thrown around regularly. you made a fellow frat member, as we are a frat, you made him lose his job. reporter: now joe philbin has press availability this afternoon and the dolphins locker room is expected to be open to the media as well, but it s not clear whether philbin or any of the dolphins will talk about these latest reports that the coaches had told incognito to toughen up martin. it leaves you wondering if the nfl could discipline the coaches, too, for this. reporter: oh i don t think there s any question that that could be the case but you have to remember, as we ve said right along, all of this is part of the culture that has been in the
dana, the rollout of affordable care act has been disastrous for administration and presented a great opportunity for the gop, so they decided to joke about the wizard of oz and frat guys doing keg stands. with people like, of course, congresswoman marsha blackburn folking at the mouth, it seems as they were less interested in exploiting the opportunity than auditioning for the house republicans vampire costume this evening. yeah. i think they could have really done sebelius and the administration some damage if they only had a brain. but in this case, it turned out not to be functioning very well. the collective republican brain. i think what happened is, she simply disarmed them by doing that rarest of things in washington, and taking responsibility for something saying, yep, we screwed this thing up, i m sorry, we re going to nix it. that seemed to have taken the wind out of their sails. you had a few. you had marsha blackburn, you had the keg stand.
some lighter headlines as well, though. some state exchanges getting rather creative as they try to promote their product. in colorado, one of the campaigns that they re launching is called brosurance. picture of somewhat look like frat brothers and it says keg stands are crazy, not having health insurance is crazier. don t tap into your beer money to cover those medical bills. we got it covered. so it shows you the white house sort of straddling between trying to pitch this product and really address all the criticisms and frustrations with it. are they open to this notion that the decision to bring jeff zience, who is going to be the new head of the national economic council once gene spurling leaves in a couple months, to really help out in this, that that s sort of a vote of no confidence in the existing team that s been in charge of this rollout? reporter: you know, they re not certainly putting it that way, wolf. i think what they re acknowledging tacitly in this move is they
85 in dallas, 83 in houston, 64 in l.a., enjoy your day. back to you. thank you very much, chad. 30 minutes past the hour, an investigation under way at georgia tech to a disturbing e-mail sent by a brother at the fraternity. the subject line luring your rape bait. and it sets out to explain how frat members should act with women to get them into bed. it advocates using dancing to lead to making out and eventually sex. if all else fails it says, get more alcohol. of course, it includes the advice, no raping. there are a few pledges that were basically sort of getting on them. it was a brotherly, big brother, little brother kind of thing. a joke. it was a joke. joke or not, i read it yesterday the frat s organizing body calls the e-mail extremely inappropriate and it also calls it disturbing. it has suspended that chapter as well as the brother who wrote
with this. because there is no other venue for them to be financially literate. to work with the computer and conceptualize monoline. it s brilliant. i m taking my son to an ole miss game and his frat brothers from the university of pennsylvania this weekend. that should be interesting. i actually went to the homecoming last year because i always wanted to go there. there is curtis wilke. i promised kurt we would take the showdown and we had a great time. my son who is a university of alabama graduate. my son who gets upset when i do a hash tag. it s hard not to cheer for ole miss. they will have a great time. they will have a fabulous