was khomeini, ali khomeini. they were classmates. and that s when they first established relationships with a young vladimir putin. vladimir putin, mahmoud abbas from the palestinian authority, the supreme leader of iran, they were basically frat brothers. all at college together in moscow at the same time, which is either patrice la mumba university or patrice la bumba university, depending on which time he was talking about it. really, ben carson? no. there s no evidence outside of ben carson that that is true. but when he kept saying it over and over again, people started to wonder where he got the information from. and ben carson finally got pinned down on the matter by the christian broadcasting network. he told cbn that he had some slam-the-door-shut proof for them to shut down all follow-up inquiries. he told cbn, dr. carson would not disclose his sources, but told cbn he learned about the ties between leaders from advisers. he said the connection helps to explain what is curr
guy from the palestinian authority, they were kind of college roommates. and ben carson didn t just accidentally blurt this out once while playing world leaders names refrigerator poetry on fox. he said it at least five times. in the class of 1968 at patrice la bumba university in moscow, mahmoud abbas was one of the members of that class and so was khomeini, ali khomeini. they were classmates. and that s when they first established relationships with a young vladimir putin. vladimir putin, mahmoud abbas from the palestinian authority, the supreme leader of iran, they were basically frat brothers. all at college together in moscow at the same time, which is either patrice la mumba university or patrice la bumba university, depending on which time he was talking about it. really, ben carson? no. there s no evidence outside of ben carson that that is true. but when he kept saying it over and over again, people started
patrice la bumba university in moscow, mahmoud abbas was one of the members of that class and so was khomeini, ali khomeini. they were classmates. and that s when they first established relationships with a young vladimir putin. vladimir putin, mahmoud abbas from the palestinian authority, the supreme leader of iran, they were basically frat brothers. all at college together in moscow at the same time, which is either patrice la mumba university or patrice la bumba university, depending on which time he was talking about it. really, ben carson? no. there s no evidence outside of ben carson that that is true. but when he kept saying it over and over again, people started to wonder where he got the information from. and ben carson finally got pinned down on the matter by the christian broadcasting network. he told cbn that he had some slam-the-door-shut proof for them to shut down all follow-up inquiries. he told cbn, dr. carson would
i d just like to take a momts to give a shout-out to the member of yale s sae chapter who turned away a group of girls from their party last night. explaining that admittance was a white girl s only basis. students had strong reactions to the facebook post. it s disgusting and deplorable and terrible. yale sae checkpointer grant muller denies the accusations, saying the police showed up and told the frat not to let anyone else in. no one gets to come in the house, it s overcrowded, it s a safety hazard. it s never had to do with entry into our parties ever or being a member of the fraternity. the yale chapter saying, white girls only and the sentiment it expresses in no way describes our admission policy for social events. the national chapter said it s still investigating the incident.
6:00 p.m. eastern, and then the second debate, 9:00 eastern, on fox business network, giving you the power to prosper. if you haven t checked out the hosts, you should do that from time to time on fbn. a college student trying to join a fraternity ended up dead. now cop arrested more of the frat s members and accused them of forcing the pledge pledge to drink so much vodka it killed him. first, an uber-driver says he had given his last ride. [bleep] after this happened. [bleep], [bleep] really is? this is going to make it difficult to get to your destination in the back seat. maybe you should walk. the rest of the video coming up from the fox news deck. on a monday afternoon. (vo) me? i don t just wait for a moment. i watch for the perfect moment. the one nobody else sees. and when i find it- i go for it.