similar movements that are on the way inevitably. the few visionaries that have grasped this obvious truth have not been welcomed by blue america, they have been mocked and derided as profits always are. a few years ago, a blue-eyed blond woman from montana declared she was black because she decided she was black. blackness was her lived experience. she was not greeted as a liberator, she was almost immediately booed off the stage and she disappeared. tellingly none of the people yelling at her ever explained why she couldn t be black why not? in this country you can change your sex but not your race how does that work? what species of science are we talking about here? it was not a defensible arg argument. over time it will collapse. someday the new york times will give her the coveted glass ceiling award for her courage in the face of prejudice, that will happen. before it does we would like to highlight some of the early adopters of our new civic religion for each of
what does it mean? it means inclusivity, it means shifting the tone. we have this hangover. bud light had been a brand of fratty out of touch humor and it was really important that we had another approach. tucker: fratty is bad, they are so entitled! that s the word from she went to harvard where it turns out she has a fratty passed herself. henry rogers of the daily got these pictures of that same person at school in 2006, you can see she s blowing up that s not in a biology class, that s some kind of frat setting, how is bud light doing, the branch she is partly in charge of, it s a lot more than $5 billion in market cap since
negative information about facebook before the stock offering. it is a nerve racking waiting game for former presidential candidate john edwards. jurors are half way through their fourth day of deliberation. still no verdict. edwards is accused of using almost $1 million in campaign donations to keep his pregnant mistress hidden. in pakistan the man who helped track down osama bin laden is sentenced to prison today. he had been on trial for the past two months and under tribal law he was not able to defend himself. a lawyer said he can appeal the sentence. millions of voters in the world s most populous arab country are picking a president for the first time ever. we are talking about egypt. in 5,000 years this is the first time they are able to cast a vote for a leader in a democratic election. it is underway right now. former president jimmy carter at one of the poling stations. the carters are actually among dozens of monitors from around the world taking part in an