Rocky Mount gets back in the win column with victory over Franklinton
By Joel Bryant, HighSchoolOT reporer
Franklinton, N.C. The Rocky Mount-Franklinton matchup in the Big East 3A Conference did not get off to a smooth start. Both teams struggled to move the ball early and each team committed turnovers. In the second quarter, however, Rocky Mount started the find its footing and pulled away from the Red Rams. Rocky Mount won the matchup by a score of 26-9.
The game s first points came on a missed snap by the Franklinton punting unit. The ball sailed over the head of the Franklinton punter and he wisely dove on it in the end zone for a safety. Despite missing an opportunity to score a touchdown off of the Franklinton mistake, Rocky Mount put together a big drive following the safety kickoff.
District rules out memorial service for late Franklinton coach due to COVID-19 restrictions
Updated March 2, 2021 6:14 p.m. EST
By Sloane Heffernan, WRAL anchor/reporter, and Nick Stevens, HighSchoolOT managing editor
Franklinton, N.C. Over the weekend, longtime Franklinton High School teacher, coach, and athletic director Lester Wilder died.
Members of the community want to hold a memorial service for him at the high school, but Franklin County Schools says that s not possible due to COVID-19 restrictions and precautions. We have received a number of questions about the possibility of a memorial service to honor Coach Lester Wilder. There is a strong desire to recognize his long-standing commitment and faithful service to Franklin County Schools, and we want nothing more than to be able to do so in a way that honors his legacy, the district said in a statement.
Longtime Franklinton teacher, coach Lester Wilder dies
Softball Updated: 2021-02-28 22:34:09
Updated February 28, 2021 10:34 p.m. EST
By Nick Stevens, HighSchoolOT managing editor
Franklinton, N.C. Longtime Franklinton High School coach, teacher, and athletic director Lester Wilder died this weekend, according to the high school. For those that knew him well he was more than just a coach and mentor. Anyone connected with Franklinton High School knew Coach Lester Wilder was the cornerstone of Red Ram Athletics as he led our school and community for over 40 years as a teacher, coach and athletic director, the school said in a statement.