going up on auburn. we were told we couldn t come up. so we just went a back way on russell ave. we go down franklin street wk the dog. as we were approaching auburn street, all we heard was gunfire. i don t know if they kind of slipped in there, but we didn t see a lot of presence and then within i can t tell you, within two minutes the place was sur sroded just completely surrounded. how far away is your home from the current scene that we are looking at on franklin street. i live on mount auburn street. my home is three blocks away. so you are allowed to go back home? i m sorry? you are allowed to go back home? we re not going back home. right now there they are literally there are jus hundred threads and hundreds and hundreds of ighbors and police are here and unmarked trucks an ambulances and it s you know, everyone is kind of at a it stand still.