SOUTH DEERFIELD Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture (CISA) has provided zero-interest loans to eight local farms that were adversely affected by heavy downpours that made their way through the region last summer.Totaling $110,000, CISA’s.
SHELBURNE The Selectboard voted this week to allocate $22,000 of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding to evaluate the Bridge Street sewer and renovate the bathrooms at the Village Information Center.Other topics addressed include the.
SHELBURNE FALLS Residents and business owners in Shelburne and Buckland will soon select an 11-member task force with a primary goal of improving communication among stakeholders in the village.A Thursday meeting that focused on developing a.
Buckland resident Phoebe Walker, director of community services with the Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG), has been appointed to serve as a member of the Massachusetts Food Policy Council.Walker, whose term will run through April 2023,.
SHELBURNE FALLS Attendees of Tuesday’s Shelburne Falls Village Summit emphasized a desire to see full storefronts, improved lines of communication between parts of the village and an increase in cultural events.The summit is the result of last.