Suppers JAY Frank L. Mitchell VFW Post 3335, 64 Jewell St. take-out supper menu scheduled for March 3 will be Turkey Pie with e’clair cake for dessert only $12. For March 10 it will be boiled ham dinner, with pistachio cake for dessert, just $12 March 17, the meal will feature a boiled ham […]
Walking LIVERMORE FALLS The AYS Gym is open for walking indoors from Nov. 1 to March 31 on Mon-Wed-Fri from 7 a.m. to 12 p.m., located at the former Livermore Falls High School. Donations are accepted and go to support AYS. Please bring walking shoes to change into. Any questions call Gus Grondin at […]
Upcycling Re Purpose! Upcycling 101: Wednesdays, March 1, 8, 15, from 6 – 8 p.m. $75 for all three sessions. Limited to 12 participants. Please register through Franklin County Adult Education at Wears & Wares is located at 413 Wilton Road in Farmington. Participants will be provided a wide variety of materials in the […]