LI Deer Rescued From Plastic Container On Head Back With Herd - Riverhead, NY - "Teamwork saves them!" Watch the heartwarming video here of the deer back in her natural element.
Deer With Container On Its Head Saved By Rescuers: 'We Never Gave Up' - Riverhead, NY - Rescuers say the situation was avoidable. "This is human error. This is because someone didn't recycle properly." See dramatic video here.
Deer With Plastic Container On Head Needs Help: 'Time Is Running Out' - Riverhead, NY - One animal rescuer is trying valiantly to help the bewildered deer.
Rescued Bald Eagle Soars Sky Again After Release On LI - Port Jefferson, NY - SEE PHOTOS: "Liberty's" eye injury has healed and it stretched its wings into the wild on Wednesday.
LI Rescuers Hope To Get Injured Bald Eagle, 'Libby,' Back Up In Sky - Port Jefferson, NY - She's believed to have been clipped by a truck's mirror and was found in distress on a busy roadway Thursday.