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Geoff Norcott s memoir is called Where Did I Go Right?
Who is Geoff Norcott? You’d be forgiven for replying: I’m sorry, I haven’t a clue. He has written for this paper and pops up on TV. But compared to the leviathans he swims alongside in the comedy pool – your Michael McIntyres, your Frankie Boyles – he’s a minnow; on the rise, for sure, but not the sort of star whose memoir you’d race to buy at the hour of its publication.
“What” is Geoff Norcott, however, is a more interesting question. He is one of the few stand-ups in the UK to whom the label “Right-wing comedian” is liberally applied. Given that he “came out” as a Conservative voter in a show called Geoff Norcott Occasionally Sells Out in 2013, it’s a description that technically fits. But of course, in the generally Left-leaning world of stand-up, the label “Right-wing” is anathema, almost tantamount to “fascist”. So what Geoff Norcott is, also, is a little brave. If he kept a lid on his