Quo vadis, Germania Cardinal Walter Brandmüller – one of the two remaining dubia cardinals – has published a new statement in which he calls out the German bishops who approved several heterodox and heretical statements during their recent February 2022 Synodal Path meeting with organized lay people in Frankfurt, Germany. The Nordic Bishops Conference had just issued a similar criticism. The German cardinal first presents the reforms that have also been approved by most of the German bishops. These are “the abolition of celibacy, as well as the admission of remarried divorcees to communion,” as well as the proposal “that practiced homosexuality is recognized as morally permissible.” In addition, the Synodal Path proposes that there are “now also no real differences between ordained bishops, priests, deacons, and ‘only baptized and confirmed,” the prelate explains. In light of these heretical views, Cardinal Brandmüller concludes that “the Frankfurt Assembly overr
Weerth, the German proletariat’s first and most important poet, the son of Rhineland parents, was born in Detmold, where his father was church superintendent.” So Frederick Engels in 1883 of his friend Georg Weerth, who came into the world 200 years ago on February 17, 1822.