A manual macaw im referring to but the even younger and distinctly more conservative sebastian courts in just five months he reinvented a party that has been in government for thirty years renaming it simply asked in courts list and borrowing anti immigration rhetoric from austrias hard right wing populist their leader. Was also a big winner in last sundays elections together the two parties took nearly two thirds of the vote. Election result is being called a tectonic shift abroad as well as in austria so is austrias swing to the right a threat to europe thats the question ill be discussing with my guests its a pleasure to welcome hammond she is a journalist for germanys taps daily newspaper and she says the swing to the right in austria is not an exception but the norm all of europe is shifting to the right. And with us as well as ron kaufman he is the w. s Eastern Europe expert and he says if young oppositions itself is a right wing populist force in europe paris will respond with a
The subcommittee on courts, intellectual property and the internet will come to order. Without objection, the chair is authorized to declare a ves at any time. We welcome everyone for todays hearing bringing justice closer to people examining ideas for restructuring the ninth circuit and i now recognize myself for a short opening statement. It has been more than a decade since we last considered a bill to split the ninth circuit. The ninth circuit is by far the largest circuit of the 12. Additi additionally, the ninth circuit hears 20 of the appeals and some would say from this side of the dase from the various states its the most reversed circuit. Not withstanding that, it is my circuit. It includes my state. Im deeply concerned today and will be until we find resolution that stripping away the other states of the ninth circuit would still leave california as by far the largest circuit. When we come together today we come together with two challenges. One, there is no way without spli
The subcommittee on courts, intellectual property and the internet will come to order. Without objection, the chair is authorized to declare a ves at any time. We welcome everyone for todays hearing bringing justice closer to people examining ideas for restructuring the ninth circuit and i now recognize myself for a short opening statement. It has been more than a decade since we last considered a bill to split the ninth circuit. The ninth circuit is by far the largest circuit of the 12. Additi additionally, the ninth circuit hears 20 of the appeals and some would say from this side of the dase from the various states its the most reversed circuit. Not withstanding that, it is my circuit. It includes my state. Im deeply concerned today and will be until we find resolution that stripping away the other states of the ninth circuit would still leave california as by far the largest circuit. When we come together today we come together with two challenges. One, there is no way without spli
And i now recognize myself for a short opening statement. It has been more than a decade since we last considered a bill to split the ninth circuit. The ninth circuit is by far the largest circuit of the 12. Additi additionally, the ninth circuit hears 20 of the appeals and some would say from this side of the dase from the various states its the most reversed circuit. Not withstanding that, it is my circuit. It includes my state. Im deeply concerned today and will be until we find resolution that stripping away the other states of the ninth circuit would still leave california as by far the largest circuit. When we come together today we come together with two challenges. One, there is no way without splitting a state to have at current california not be, if it were all by itself, the largest circuit. Seco secondly, we have wrestled with this for decades. During that time the ninth circuit has grown and today with five four vay captainsies, there is additionally five more requested. I
Have an obligation and a mandate given to us by the citizens of this country to go on course, to put those reforms in place, to get the country back on track. Thats something i can control. Thats something i can be involved in. Thats something i can help deliver. Thats what im focused on. Thank you very much. Whos your final four pick . [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2016] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] House Minority nancy pelosi held her briefing at the capitol. She discussed several issues including the 2017 budget, the zika virus and the flint, michigan, water contamination water issue. This is about 20 minutes. Ms. Pelosi i see some wearing green here. Good morning. What a week, huh . Yesterday, president obama presented his nomination for the next justice of the Supreme Court, judge Merrick Garland. Hes a widely respected jurist who embodies wisdom, judgm