joe dimaggio. robert slatzer and frank capell signed a contract to produce the book. the agreement of says bob slatzer would be credited with writing the book and capell would remain secret. with capell on board slat descrer also slatzer. he reintroduced clemmons from the l.a.p.d. the scene seemed staged. marilyn was stretched out face down on the bed. obviously she had been placed in that position. i was shown the night stand by her bed it was 8 or 10 empty bottles that contained medicine. i looked in the bathroom for a
intention of leaving his wife, bobby had her murdered. capel s pamphlet was published the year bobby kennedy was going to run for the senate seat in new york. it was a political hitpiece. the pamphlet alleges that virtually everyone in marilyn s life was a communist. it was murder dressed up to look like suicide. it s how the communists worked. when they got tired of you they bumped you off and disguised it as a suicide. suspiciously many believe the origin was maurice reese work in concert with capell. it stated that robert kennedy was deeply involved with marilyn and promised to leave his wife
indicate kennedy and monroe were intimate and kennedy was in monroe s apartment at the time of her death. at the time the fbi didn t take much stock in capell. it s not believed any action should be taken. that same year they collaborated on another pamphlet attacking senator thomas cudgel. even though was on the right of the political spectrum. he was not extreme enough. they viewed his support of the civil rights act a betrayal. in february 1965 capell and clemmons were indicted for conspiracy to commit libel. clem oppositlibel.
when examining the death of an icon. conspiracy theories have entertainment value. marilyn monroe is the subject. she is beautiful, she is targeted by powerful men, and these themes of violence and sex appeal to our most of primal drives. the conspiracy theory about marilyn s death, they grew exponentially to where we are now. each conspiracy theory has a genesis and the death of marilyn monroe is no exception. while the rest of the world attempted to put this senseless tragedy behind them. three men held a meeting in los angeles. among them was frank capell. he was an extreme writer/journalist who put out his own paper and own pamphlets. what he did was put out does
right fringe needed a new ploy to further their cause. that s when they got the story from reese about the kennedy-marilyn involvement. reese told cap hell about rumors of an affair between the deceased actress and the to be general of the united states. the three surmised without evidence that marilyn monroe did not commit suicide but was killed by bobby kennedy to keep her quite and protect his political career. that s where it all began, right there. upon his return to new york capell turned to his friend walter winchell to disseminate the information. winchell was a powerful columnist and radio personality. he wrote a gossip column for the daily mirror. he was a rabid anti-communist,