Published: 25 May 2021
PHILIPSBURG: - It was definitely an air of joyous excitement on Saturday, May 22nd as Lions and Leos gathered at the Lions Civic Centre, in Sucker Garden, Sint Maarten to witness and celebrate the nomination and election of Lion Claudio Buncamper PMJF as District Governor Elect of Lions Sub District 60B.
In keeping with the Covid 19 guidelines many Lions and Leos from Sint Maarten and around the Caribbean Region joined the Virtual District 60B Convention Meeting chaired from Barbados by District Governor Maureen Graham PMJF her achievements for the year. Her term ends on June 30, 2021.
After the live introduction by charter member Lion Frank Arnell PMJF of the Sint Maarten Lions Club, Lion Claudio Buncamper PMJF was escorted to the podium by Past District Governor, Lion Maxime Larmonie PMJF, Past District Governor Lion Wally Havertong PMJF, and Past District Governor, Lion Claudius “Toontje’ Buncamper PMJF through a line-up of enthusiasti
Published: 10 December 2020
PHILIPSBURG: - The Sint Maarten Lions Club was chartered on December 12th, 1970, and will celebrate 50 years this coming Saturday. The idea for starting a Lions Club on Sint Maarten was initiated by the late Lion Donny Bakhuis, who was a government auditor and visited the island for work from the Federal Government in Curacao. The Club was eventually chartered by the Bonaire Lions Club with Lion Ben Vlaun serving as its first Lion President with 22 Charter members.
Since this was the first service club on the island in 1970 it took some time for the community to understand and accept this service club concept, because it was not a religious, fraternal, or political organization. Nevertheless, with proper leadership, the Sint Maarten Lions Club promoted itself through its many selfless activities that met varied community needs on the island.