Ending Plague, by Francis Ruscetti, Judy Mikovits, and Kent Heckenlively, draws a connection between big pharma’s vaccine industry and a host of modern diseases.
Ending Plague, by Francis Ruscetti, Judy Mikovits, and Kent Heckenlively, draws a connection between big pharma’s vaccine industry and a host of modern diseases.
Plandemic creator Dr. Judy Mikovits recently sat down with the Health Ranger to discuss Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines,” warning that they are the real virus that will kill upwards of 50 million people in America alone.
According to Dr. Mikovits, who has been working in the field of virology for decades, every “pandemic” that arises is the result of people being injected with viruses that end up harming or killing them. The Chinese Virus is no exception.
“We knew the flu vaccine put people at risk of dying from ‘covid, ” Dr. Mikovits revealed. “Never, ever, ever get another shot and we will never, ever, ever see another pandemic. We’ve been creating these in our labs my entire career. This was my job.”