Holding a Budget Committee meeting this month because we really are interested mostly in new developments that relate to the lcff and soon, very soon, the state board of ed. And others are going to be looking at the related socalled accountability systems. We dont know what they look like ~ and how they might affect the budget. So, we decided that since nothing had been referred by the board that we would not hold a meeting prior to the beginning of school which would have been last month. So, in october well have a regular Budget Committee. ~ lcsf. Commissioner maufas, then commissioner mendoza. I just wanted to congratulate the district i went to a professional Development Day today which was held at Presidio Middle School and George Washington high school. And really, it was just fantastic and it was administrators, paraprofessionals, teachers, all coming together in one space which was awesome. I loved that. But it was sort of a if did ~ buffet of paraprofessional [speaker not unde
I will ka call the meeting to order. Secretary, please call the roll. roll call . President torres . Here. Vicepresident courtney, commissioner caen, commissioner moran, and we have a quorum the first item is to make announcement that Public Comment on all presentations before the commission will be limited to two minutes since we have so many people that want to testify on a number of issues, so i wanted to make sure everyone knew that. Approval of the minutes. Ill move approval. Alright. Everybody signify by saying aye. Sorry, Public Comment on the minutes. There being none, all those in favor, signify by saying aye. Aye. Public comments . And the first person i always have on the list is the honorable francisco tacosta. Welcome. Commissioners, my name is Francisco Decosta and you know i come here from time to time to address you on the certain pertinent issues. Commissioners, many years ago, i was appointed by the first people of this area to address the issues on things like the in
Am allow in person attendance approximate Public Comment providing Remote Access via phone. Will take Public Comment by each item in person will be allowed to speak first then to the remote phone line. For those watching channel 26, 28, 78 or 99 and sfgov. Org the call in number is streaming. The number is 4156550001. Upon eshd meeting id 2485 132 7480 when connected you hear the discussions but in listening mode only. When your item come up and Public Comment is called those in person line up near the curtains and those on the phone line should dial star 3 to be added to the queue f. You are on your phone remember to turn down your television and listening device. As already indicated. Will take Public Comment attends nothing person first and then we move on to our remote call in line. You may submit comment in the following ways e mail myself erica. Major sfgov. Org if testimony be forwarded not supervisors and made part of the official file byus postal to city hall 1 doctor carlton
Laptop tonight and its going to go on at 9 00. Im just incredibly grateful and keep pinching myself that this is happening. Im incredibly overwhelmed that this is happening and im eager to share this work with all of you. Thank you. Good morning, and welcome to the joint meeting of the San Francisco Public Utilities commission and local Agency Formation commission. My name is john avalos. This meeting is brought to you by sfgtv staff. Call item no. 2 please. Roll call. Avalos present, breed present, commissioner mar . Present, schmeltzer is absent and Leah Pimentel is absent. President torres, commissioner cane present, commissioner moran, and commissionxcustoday. Mr. Chairman, we have a quorum. Very good. Thank you very much. If you can call item no. 3, please. Item 3 opening remarks and discussion of expectations for the joining meeting. Sf lafco chairperson john avalos and sf puc president art torres. Sf 31234 thank you very much. As chair of local Agency Formation commission, i wou
Be in terms of the evaluation process, which we all know its negotiated. We dont anticipate significant changes, but were going to enter into those conversations as well. So, well bring a comprehensive report about what the next steps are as we compile those. And including something specific about the previously required set aside [speaker not understood] . Yes, maam. Thank you. Okay. Any reports from board tell gates to member organizations . Any other reports from Board Members . Yes, commissioner murase. I just want to report tomorrow evening well be hosting the Ad Hoc Committee on Student Assignment where well be looking at c tip 1 middle school feeders Daniel Webster [speaker not understood]. The enrollment process tomorrow at 6 oclock here. And the next meeting of the curriculum and Program Committee will be held on monday, september 9th. The primary agenda item then will be related to the achievement gaps. Yes, commissioner wynns. I just wanted to announce that we, which we woul