Zimbabwe: One vast informal business
Downtown Harare. PHOTO Sadat Sanhehwe
Zimbabwe’s economy has seen a drastic collapse since 2000. Once a fairly highly industrialised country, Zimbabwe is now a vast informal economy after the collapse of its once-thriving manufacturing and agricultural sectors.
Industry is operating at 30% of its capacity. Since 2011, more than 6,000 companies have closed shop, rendering hundreds of thousands unemployed, according to a 2016 Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries (CZI) study. The CZI is the umbrella body of the manufacturing industry.
Hundreds of thousands of school leavers are graduating with no hope of formal employment, the CZI says. Unemployment now hovers around 85% and for many, the only hope is now in the informal sector.
Cassava Fintech announces release of a voice and video conferencing service
Experts say Cassava Fintech International’s Sasai App can be one of the best platforms to accelerate Africa’s social and economic development agenda.
Africa, which recently established the world’s largest free trading area as measured by the number of countries participating, has over the past few decades struggled to achieve significant economic growth due to a number of challenges.
However, the new Africa free trade area pact that connects 1,3 billion people across 55 countries with a combined gross domestic product of US$3,4 trillion, is expected to unite the continent and help it achieve sustainable economic growth.